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// Docs classes

Basic groupBy​

You could define aggregations for your data as you do with plain SQL. To evaluate such kind of aggregation:

case class FacultyInfo(
name: String,
avgAge: Double,
totalGrade: Double,
specializations: List[String])

First, start with groupBy:

val grouped = select[Student].groupBy(_.faculty)
// grouped: Query.GroupByQuery[From[Student], Student, String] = FROM(Hogwarts::Student) -> GROUP BY(String)

Then you could aggregate this query:

val facultyInfos = grouped
.aggregate((faculty, students) =>
students.avgBy(_.age.toDouble) &&
students.sumBy(_.grade) &&
).map {
case (avgAge, totalGrade, specializations) =>
FacultyInfo(faculty, avgAge, totalGrade, specializations)
// facultyInfos: Query[From[Student], FacultyInfo] = FROM(Hogwarts::Student) -> GROUP BY(String) -> AGGREGATE(MdocSession::App::FacultyInfo)

aggregate function provides you the grouping key (in this case - faculty) and a special value to declare your aggregations.

In this example:

  • To calculate average age - use students.avgBy(_.age.toDouble)
  • To get total grade - use students.sumBy(_.grade)
  • To collect each specialization of the faculty - use students.toListBy(_.specialization)

You could chain multiple aggregations by && operator. It will automatically flatten the results into a single tuple.
Then it's possible to map the aggregation result.

This is the result of running such query:

// +----------+------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------+
// |name |avgAge |totalGrade|specializations |
// +----------+------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------+
// |Gryffindor|18.333333333333332|250.9 |[getting into troubles, eating, learning]|
// |Slytherin |18.0 |85.1 |[trolling] |
// |Hufflepuff|17.0 |90.1 |[young dying] |
// +----------+------------------+----------+-----------------------------------------+


report aggregation function is somehow similar to groupBy with multiple keys.
The difference is that report allows you to do aggregations on intermediate results by using combine method.

First, start by defining report case class:

case class BySpec(specialization: String, avgGrade: Double)

case class ByAge(age: Int, grades: List[BySpec])

case class ByFaculty(faculty: String, grades: List[ByAge])

Then, you could define the aggreagtion as follows:

val byFacultyReportQuery: Query[From[Student], ByFaculty] =
.aggregate { case (faculty, students) =>
.report(_.age, _.specialization) { (age, spec, students) =>
// We know Dumbledore too well =)
val additionalPoints = if (faculty == 100 else 0

students.avgBy(_.grade + additionalPoints)
.map(BySpec(spec, _))
.combine((age, cascadeInfos) =>, _)))
.map(byAge => ByFaculty(faculty, byAge))
// byFacultyReportQuery: Query[From[Student], ByFaculty] = FROM(Hogwarts::Student) -> GROUP BY(String) -> AGGREGATE(MdocSession::App::ByFaculty)

In this case, you define your aggregation as always. Notice the following:

  • Usage of report aggregation function
  • report accepts grouping keys (like age and specialization)
  • First, you define aggregations per all grouping keys (both age and specialization)
  • Then, using combine, you aggregate on age grouping key level
  • Inside combine you'll use a deeper level aggregation result
  • ... and so on until you combine all nested aggregations

Then run the query:

.show(truncate = false)
// +----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// |faculty |grades |
// +----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// |Gryffindor|[{age: 18, grades: [{specialization: eating, avgGrade: 166.2}, {specialization: learning, avgGrade: 199.6}]}, {age: 19, grades: [{specialization: getting into troubles, avgGrade: 185.1}]}]|
// |Slytherin |[{age: 18, grades: [{specialization: trolling, avgGrade: 85.1}]}] |
// |Hufflepuff|[{age: 17, grades: [{specialization: young dying, avgGrade: 90.1}]}] |
// +----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

Available aggregation functions​

  • toList - collects records into a List
  • distinct - collects distinct records into a Set
  • distinctBy - collects distinct records, with specific field to distinguish by
  • flatDistinctBy - same as distinctBy, but for a collection of fields
  • const - return a constant value as an aggregation result
  • sum - sum the field
  • sumBy - sum the field by some other value
  • product - multiplication of field values
  • productBy - multiplication of field values by some other value
  • avg - average value of the field
  • avgBy - average value of the field by some other value
  • std - standard deviation of the field
  • stdBy - standard deviation of the field by some other value
  • count - number of values for each given predicate holds
  • size - total number of values
  • report(K1, K2, ...) - report of arity N